Growing up with Terrorism, A Poem by Ashton Royal


Do you remember when you were 6,7, or 8 years old?

When the world was just starting to unfold?

Full of playfulness, surrounded by fun

Having no cares, dancing in the sun.

What if the world was unfolding for your generation in a different way

With darkness and hatred filling everyday?

The word terrorism becoming a norm,

Coming at you in every form:

Physically, emotionally, through the media, you name it.

A new generation wrapped in a blanket-

A blanket of not only ignorance and no innocence but that of being numb;

One without taking a crumb

Or paying attention to what is presented, and why?

It happens everyday, so why cry?

There’s no room for tears in war

Only bodies dropping to the floor.

Kids today can’t possibly comprehend

This disastrous thing the world can’t seem to mend.

So how do they do it, manage the hate?

Who knows…it might already be too late.

Ashton Royal

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